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Navigating a dynamic global trade landscape through concrete research

The Future of Trade 2024 is the fifth edition of DMCC’s biennial flagship report on the changing nature of global trade. In it, we examine the impact of AI, technology, global economic trends, and geopolitics on the future of trade, focusing on trade growth, sustainability and trade finance.

Transformative Forces Shaping Global Trade

As the world gears up for a period of profound change, new trends emerge that will reshape trade for decades. There are major gains to be made. This report presents three transformative forces that will define the global trade landscape in coming years:

Key Findings for Global Trade

The Future of Trade

Discover the Future of Trade in Chapter 1 as we delve into the core trends and dynamics shaping the global trade landscape. How will trade evolve amidst geopolitical and macroeconomic challenges? What will drive trade resilience? Which regions are poised for trade growth? Uncover these answers and more in Chapter 1.

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The Geopolitics of Trade

Gain valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of global trade in Chapter 2 as we explore the profound impact of geopolitics on trade routes and supply chains. How are ongoing conflicts and U.S.-China tensions driving a rerouting of trade? Which countries are poised to benefit from this shift in trading patterns? Explore how supply chain strategies are transitioning from cost-saving to resilience and 'economic security.'

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The Dawn of AI

Chapter 3 explores the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies. How will AI revolutionise international trade, from operational efficiencies to customer engagement and trade in services? Having failed to live up to its promise so far, what future is there for blockchain? This chapter also explores the growing flashpoint of semiconductors between the U.S. and China and how this could redefine the trade landscape.

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Sustainability and the Future of Trade

Uncover the intricate link between sustainability, trade, and technology in Chapter 4 as we explore the profound impact of environmental policy on global trade. How will the surge in net-zero pledges and carbon pricing policies create new trade opportunities and reshape supply chains? Discover how climate concerns are driving a new surge in environmental goods trade - with a new set of winners and losers.

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Countries that have implemented carbon pricing systems

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Global Trade and Finance Gaps

Chapter 5 explores the challenges and potential solutions surrounding the trade finance gap. Currently at a record $2.5 trillion, what solutions exist to bridge this escalating crisis? Learn why SMEs struggle to access trade finance, particularly in developing countries, and how risk aversion and limited alternative finance options exacerbate the issue.

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DMCC 2024 Commodity Trade and Industry Digitalisation Indexes

Delve into the DMCC Commodity Trade Index 2024, assessing ten prominent commodity markets' influence based on locational, commodity endowment, and institutional factors. Explore the DMCC Industry Digitalisation Index 2024, quantifying technology's impact on global trade across four pillars: upstream, production, downstream, and digital infrastructure. 

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View a snapshot of this year's research and results in a quick presentation.


An extensive look into the Future of Trade, complete with facts, figures, research and results.


The key insights of our Future of Trade report.

Interview Insights From Global Trade Experts

For a full transcript of the interviews, download the 2024 Future of Trade report.

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